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Arthritis Treatment for Dogs: Latest Treatments in Australia


Dealing with arthritis in your beloved dog can be particularly challenging, especially in the colder months. The drop in temperature can worsen the stiffness and discomfort associated with arthritis, making winter a tough time for older pets or those with joint issues. This common issue, especially in older pets, can greatly affect their mobility, happiness, and overall quality of life. There are numerous treatments available to help manage their discomfort throughout all seasons. Explore the best arthritis treatments for dogs. In Australia, there are many options available that may help to keep your furry friend comfortable and active year-round.

What is Arthritis in Dogs? The Importance of Early Detection & Treatment

Arthritis, or osteoarthritis, is a degenerative joint disease that causes inflammation, pain, and stiffness. It is a progressive disease which commonly affects older dogs but can occur in younger dogs due to injury or genetics. Early detection can make a big difference, so it’s good to watch for signs. It’s important to note that colder weather can exacerbate joint pain; during colder months additional treatments or management may be necessary. To slow the progression of arthritis, it’s important to monitor for symptoms and pair with the right arthritis treatment for dogs. In Australia, there are various treatments available to help your pet maintain a good quality of life.

Signs of Arthritis in Dogs

  • Limping or Lameness: Dogs may favour one leg over the other.
  • Difficulty Moving: Trouble standing up, climbing stairs, or jumping.
  • Reduced Activity: Decreased interest in play and exercise.
  • Behaviour Changes: Irritability or reluctance to be touched.

What are the Best Arthritis Treatments for Dogs in Australia?

Before we go through the options currently available, it’s important to keep in mind that the best treatment depends on your pet’s needs and lifestyle. Arthritis can vary significantly from one dog to another—some dogs may have early-stage arthritis, while others may have advanced arthritis, and the best treatment choice differs depending on stage. Any other existing illness may also affect the treatment options available for your furry friend. It’s also essential to consider that there are many other conditions that can cause mobility problems.

Treatments You Can Implement at Home

Care for Their Joints with Weight Management

Prevention is better than cure. Did you know that excessive weight not only adds extra stress to joints from the extra pressure but also constantly releases inflammatory substances that cause further joint inflammation and damage? This is why weight management is one of the most beneficial options for preventing or managing arthritis symptoms.

As your dog ages, their metabolism slows down, and they may not be as active as they once were. This means they generally need less food or fewer calories than during their younger, more active days. Reducing their intake can help manage their weight. As a guide, start by following the feeding recommendations on their dog food label. When giving extra treats or food, reduce their usual daily intake to account for any extra calories.

Regular weigh-ins, either fortnightly or monthly, are a great way to keep track of their weight. This helps you manage or ensure they maintain a healthy weight, which is essential for reducing the strain on their joints.

Prescription Diets

There are special diets available for osteoarthritis treatment for dogs in Australia. We often use and recommend diets, such as Hills Prescription Diet J/D for overweight dogs or Hills Prescription Metabolic + Mobility J/D. These are formulated for joint health, reducing the need for an overwhelming number of supplements. They’re packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin, helping manage arthritis symptoms through balanced nutrition.

While a diet like this may be appropriate for your dog, it may not suit every pet. Some may have conditions that make these specific diets less suitable, or they might have more pressing issues that require a different diet. Each dog has different needs, so before starting a new diet, consult with a vet such as My Companion Mobile Vet. We will provide advice on diet, exercise routine and other homecare options suited to you and your fur baby’s lifestyle and condition.

Lifestyle and Home Care

Some of the best arthritis treatments for dogs in Australia involve making lifestyle changes and ensuring a comfortable living environment. Simple adjustments like orthopaedic beds and non-slip floors can make a big difference to your dog’s daily comfort.

Comfortable Bedding, Aids and Living Environment

Provide a comfortable living environment. Soft, warm bedding that is easy for your dog to access without jumping or climbing in a warm area is crucial, especially during colder seasons. During hot seasons and after exercising, it is also important to provide a cool area, such as a cooling mat (for non-destructive pets), that is easily accessible. This helps minimise joint stress, improving comfort levels.

Consider keeping essentials like food, water, and toys on one accessible level to ease their day-to-day movement. Install ramps where possible and train your pet to use them. If your pet has trouble using the stairs to go to the toilet, set up a convenient bathroom area that is easier to access.

Clipping your pet’s nails and applying grip aids to their feet can also help your dog be more mobile and comfortable. We recommend Dr Buzby’s Toe grips.

Importance of Regular, Gentle Exercise

Daily exercise personalised to your pet can help maintain joint mobility and muscle strength. Avoid activities that may aggravate the joints. Instead, opt for gentle walks and controlled play. Structure it to your dog’s age and condition for the right amount of activity without overexertion.

Joint Supplements

There are many supplement options available that may help enhance your dog’s mobility. While many of these supplements are available without a script, it’s wise to consult with your vet before starting any new regimen to ensure it’s safe for your dog. It is also important to check ingredients so you are not doubling up, as many joint supplements and diets may contain a number of the same ingredients. Additionally, some pets may have conditions not suited to certain ingredients, such as pancreatitis with oily ingredients. When starting your pet on a new supplement, ensure you are home to monitor for any possible adverse reactions.

Some supplements may contain ingredients derived from plants, such as curcuma, boswellia serrata, rosehip, or Epiitalis. Others may be derived from animal products like green-lipped mussels, krill, fish, or abalone. Supplements may have single or multiple ingredients that can help support joint health by reducing inflammation or promoting cartilage repair.

PAW Osteo Advanced, 4cyte, and Rosehip Vital are examples of popular arthritis treatments for dogs in Australia. Each of these alternative products offers unique benefits without overlapping ingredients, making them potential options to consider adding to your dog’s arthritis care routine.

Interested in adding the above products or supplements to your dog’s routine? Enjoy a 5% discount on us.

Alternative Osteoarthritis Dog Treatments in Australia

If you are wondering about what options you have for alternative arthritis dog treatments in Australia, there are several beneficial therapies available that can play a large part in managing arthritis. We often recommend alternative therapies to complement or reduce the amount of conventional treatments. Although we don’t provide these services directly, we recognise the value they offer when carried out by qualified practitioners. We’re happy to suggest reputable clinics and therapists who specialise in these treatments.

Physical Therapy and Hydrotherapy

Gentle exercise through physical therapy or hydrotherapy can do wonders for keeping your pet’s joints nimble and reducing discomfort. Physical therapy involves exercises that target improving joint function and mobility. Hydrotherapy, on the other hand, reduces stress on the joints while enhancing muscle strength and flexibility.


Acupuncture is another available option for alternative arthritis treatment for dogs in Australia. It involves placing fine needles at specific points on the body to alleviate pain and promote natural healing. This ancient practice can provide some relief for dogs with arthritis.


Massage is a gentle and effective way to loosen stiff muscles, reduce discomfort, and improve mobility. Older pets, particularly, can suffer from their skin layer being tighter in certain places, and massages can provide relief. While we recommend professional treatment, pet parents can also provide massage treatments. We would be more than happy to show you some basic massage techniques tailored specifically for your pet.

Other Alternative Treatments

There are several other alternative treatments that may be available at your rehabilitation centre. These might include laser therapy, soundwave therapy, dry needling and others. Many also offer mobility aids, such as splints and wheelchairs or proprioceptive aids, like wraps and taping. For those who find it challenging to travel with their pet, some centres offer telehealth or online appointments, making it easier to access professional advice and continue treatment from the comfort of your home.

Conventional Arthritis Treatments for Dogs in Australia

As discussed, there are several types of osteoarthritis dog treatments in Australia. Conventional treatments focus on managing pain and inflammation, improving joint function, and slowing the progression of arthritis.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Firocoxib and Meloxicam are commonly prescribed to reduce joint inflammation and pain. These medications can improve mobility and comfort, but veterinary supervision is essential due to potential side effects. Grapiprant is a newer medication that appears to have fewer side effects than traditional NSAIDs. However, studies have found it to be less efficient in providing pain relief.

Pain Relief Medications

They don’t tackle inflammation, but pain relief medication like Gabapentin, Amantadine, and Tramadol can be prescribed for pain control. Combining them with other treatments also offers your furry friend a comprehensive pain management plan.

Pentosan Injections

For mild to moderate arthritis, we generally see very good results after a course of Pentosan injections. Pentosan plays a role in cartilage repair and reducing inflammation and can significantly improve joint health and mobility. It is generally considered a safe treatment option. 

As part of our primary treatment plan, we administer a series of four weekly injections. After the initial course, we generally follow with a repeat course six months later. This regimen can often postpone the need for further treatments for many years. However, treatment is tailored to the pet. For instance, some of our patients find it more beneficial to have monthly injections after their initial course.

Latest Treatment Option in Australia

New treatments have recently become available, offering additional options for managing arthritis in dogs. These include:

Beransa Treatment

For the latest in arthritis care for pets, there are the Beransa and Solensia treatments. The Beransa treatment is designed for dogs, while the Solensia treatment is for cats. They target the pain at its source and can offer significant relief. These treatments work by neutralising the Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), a key player in transmitting pain signals and inflammation in arthritic joints. These simple, monthly injections allow effective and lasting relief from osteoarthritis pain and can make daily activities more comfortable for your pet.

We have found that this treatment can help pets that have previously been less responsive to other treatments. While Beransa helps in reducing pain, it is important to note that it does not stop the progression of arthritis nor does it have healing properties. Therefore, we often recommend combining this medication with environmental and lifestyle changes, including modified exercise routines. This helps support your dog’s overall health and mobility.


Cannabidiol is a recent addition to arthritis treatments for dogs in Australia. It’s essential to use only certified veterinary-grade CBD oil to ensure safety and efficacy, as products purchased without a script may lead to toxin exposure or might not contain the dosage reported.

Studies have shown that cannabidiol can help improve arthritis symptoms in dogs, providing a touch of comfort. CBD oil is available by prescription from vets registered to provide this treatment option. We can provide prescriptions and generally suggest combining CBD oil with other treatments for the best outcomes.

Other Treatments

There are other treatments available such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and surgical options. For these, we generally discuss potential outcomes and for clients who would like to proceed, we provide referrals to specialist care.

Is My Companion Mobile Vet the Right Choice for You?

Travelling can be difficult or painful for pets with arthritis. At My Companion Mobile Vet, we offer convenient home visits to keep your pet as comfortable and stress-free as possible during their treatments. Our team is knowledgeable about various options for arthritis care and can provide in-home treatments, advice on home care, and guidance on where to go for specialised care, rehabilitation services or other treatments.

Arthritis doesn’t have to drastically change your dog’s life. The cold weather can make symptoms worse, but with the right treatments and care, your dog may be able to enjoy many happy, active years. Whether it’s through treatments like Pentosan injections or lifestyle changes, there are plenty of ways to help manage your dog’s pain that may improve or maintain their quality of life.

For more information on arthritis treatments and to schedule an appointment, get in touch with My Companion Mobile Vet today.